
Thursday, 21 July 2016

Olympic Medals

Here's another ReViz! This time Alex Duke through down the gauntlet of using Olympic medal data and came up with this Viz of the Day. Also Dash Davidson had asked me if I would help Tableau create some Olympic themed vizzes that could be used for an exhibition. I cheated a bit because Alex's data did not have 2012 medals, so I went and found them to be up to date.

So I decided to go for a pretty simple approach that could be printed out and used as a static image. I've also always been a fan of medal data that takes into account the size of a countries population for context, so I built in a switch to flip between total medals and medals per million people. If you are printing these out, you could place the two versions side by side.

Anyway, here it is:

1 comment:

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